People often ask, how to stream VR to multiple devices.
Let’s find out!
How to Stream VR to Multiple Devices?
- Connect the VR Headset to your PC and launch SteamVR.
- Click on “OpenVR” in the top menu bar of SteamVR.
- Select “Add OpenVR App”.
- Enter a name for this app (e.g., “Streaming”).
- Click OK.
- In the main menu of SteamVR, click
Practical Issues With Synchronized VR
There are many people watching movies at the same time, but they’re seeing different things because each viewer has their own personal view. To allow everyone to see the movie together, each person needs to wear a VR headset.
If you want to start 360 video playback on multiple screens at once, there are some important things you need to take into account.
1. Simultaneously Watch 360 Video
To watch VR videos together, you need a device that supports 360 video playback. Any phone or table will do.
However, a flat-screen does not show 3D videos, and looking around is not nearly as immersive as using a headset. A further problem is starting one video on multiple screens for synced VR.
Live transmissions such as live streams on Twitch usually mean the stream is in sync for everyone watching.
However, the bandwidth available at venues is often limited, and playing back high-resolution 360 videos to multiple viewers is difficult if not impossible.
2. Offline Viewing
If you load the video to all devices before starting the stream, then the limitation of the internet connection won’t be an obstacle anymore.
You can push the required videos to various mobile phones and tablets via Wi‑Fi connections, by installing a special 360 Videos Player for Group use.
3. Choose the Best VR Headset for Your Needs
To play 360 videos well, you’ll need VR headsets. We currently recommend either the Oculus Go or the GearVR headset, but a phone with a cardboard VR holder is also an alternative.
All of these are mobile solutions with built-in power supplies and wireless operations. They allow you to connect up to 100 of them at once and simultaneously view 360 video content.
4. 360 Video Player for Groups
The final piece of the puzzle is the right software. Using a 360 camera for group viewing allows you to remote start, pause, and stop different videos at the same time.
It can be used on dedicated hardware but also runs on smartphones and in browsers.
You can use a variety of different types of hardware, including cameras, microphones, speakers, lights, and projectors to create an immersive experience for people watching a video together.

Oculus Quest 2: How To Cast To Your TV?
Most smart TVs should let you cast your Oculus Quest 2 experience to them, but some may need additional hardware to do so. Some simple button presses will have you casting your game to the TV in a no-fuss fashion.
Choose Your Method Of Casting
You can either use Chromecast or another similar device to cast your best game onto the television screen.
It could be that you have a smart TV that has Chromecast built into it or you’ve bought a physical device and plugged it into your TV.
The supported casting devices for the Oculus Quest 2 include:
- Google Chromecast
- Google Home Hub
- NVIDIA Shield
- NVIDIA Shield TV
There are two ways to cast your screen: You can use either method.
- From the Oculus Quest 2 headset directly
- Using the Oculus App from a Mobile Device
Casting From The Oculus Quest 2 Headset
To cast your gameplay directly from your Oculus Quest VR headset to your television, follow these steps:
- Turn on the Oculus Quest headset and the TV
- Press the white button on your gamepad then look for the Home menu at the top right corner of the screen. You may need to scroll down to see it.
- Click on the “Share” button
- Click on “Cast”
- Choose your TV or casting device by selecting one from the list that appears
- When you click Next, a notification will appear telling you that the audition has started.
With this method, you don’t need any external devices except for the one you use to cast from your computer to your television.
Casting From The Mobile App
- Download the Oculus app on your smartphone
- You need to connect your phone and Oculus Quest to the same WiFi network.
- Open up the Oculus Quest 2, turn on your TV, and open up the Oculus app.
- On the Oculus app, look for the box with waves emanating from it in the upper-right-hand corner.
- Connecting your Oculus Quest 2 headset
- You select your TV or streaming device from the Cast To section.
- To start playing, click “Start” at the bottom of the game window.
How To Stop Casting?
You can always pause casting if the game gets too intense for you. To pause casting directly from your controller, press the Share button and then choose the “Pause Cast” option.
To return to the main menu, click on the rectangle with the two vertical bars next to the word “Cast” in the upper right-hand corner. Then, just tap on the button at the bottom to stop streaming.
We hope that this article was helpful. If you have any queries feel free to reach out in the comments section below.