Finland Fantasy 14 is an MMO RPG in which the developers from Square Enix put in the main idea – to combine the single-player part for consoles and PCs into one common world, accessible to all fans of Cloud and Tifa and who want to find an alternative to World of Warcraft and get a storyline on more than 100 hours of real-time.
You will level up your chosen class, grind, go on raids, which differ in Final Fantasy from other similar projects, engage in professions and PVP, go to an amusement park, or simply enjoy beautiful graphics and communicate with other players, including playing music instruments with real melodies.
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Storyline and quests
The simplest, most understandable, and profitable, but not the fastest way to develop your hero and at the same time have an interesting time is a storyline, which, according to the developers, will take at least 100 hours of real-time to complete.
Everything is implemented through a system of quests and videos, in which your character will take part directly.
The main quests will guide you through locations and help you get boosted into Final Fantasy 14 and earn gil, which will be useful for the development of your hero.
Pay special attention not only to the main story quests, which will already be in your sight, but also to the secondary tasks, which will simply fill key locations and large cities and need to be tracked, checked for potential rewards and completed in order to gain a large amount of experience.
Just look at which location the current story quest is leading you to and simply take all the quests that can be similarly completed in the same territory and by closing all of them by exterminating monsters, you can get much more experience and gil.
Daily quests and factions
You can gain additional experience by completing all tasks and assignments, which are updated every week and once a day.
The tasks will be different, but often this is clearing out certain monsters and the main goal is to have time to fulfill all the conditions during the duration of the task, otherwise, the task will simply be updated to a new one, and the result will not be counted, the same applies to weekly tasks, which are more voluminous because designed for a longer period of execution.
You can interact with various factions and receive FF 14 boosting and unique rewards for increasing your trust level.
You can enlist in the army and end up in the navy, infantry, or special forces, something between scouts and partisans.
You will have access to many levels of development, which will increase depending on the completion of tasks. Your rank will increase and, along with it, the quality of the rewards that you can receive and exchange for a special currency that you can earn by completing special quests related to the faction.

The location leveling format is one of the most stable in terms of leveling in Final Fantasy 14.
This is because you decide for yourself how long the gaming session you want and are ready to spend in the world of FF 14.
Just go to a location where the monsters are 5 levels higher than you. It is advisable not more, so that the retaliatory damage is not too strong and not less so that there is a reserve in levels and the ability to spend a long time at the location.
It is desirable that your class can massively destroy a large number of monsters, or kill them one by one, without spending a lot of resources and health with the need for frequent regeneration.
The most ideal format that is best used is to take all available story and side quests and go grind as part of a full-fledged group.
A squad that consists of a tank, a healer and attacking mass heroes, such as warriors, archers and magicians.
The tactics are simple – the tank collects and holds a large number of monsters, the healer supports him and applies massive healing effects as needed and resurrects the fallen in case of a critical situation, the rest is done by attacking heroes who must quickly destroy large groups of monsters and provide everyone with a boost in Final Fantasy 14 and gil.
If you level up like this for an hour or more, then your experience will go very quickly, and at the end of the game session, you will be able to turn in all the quests and view all the rewards and resources that you managed to obtain during a mass or single hunt.
This is a spontaneous format for gaining experience, which is available to all players who respond to its activation in the world of Final Fantasy.
This is a massive invasion of complex monsters, killing which will cost a lot of experience.
The only difficulty is the limited number of such monsters and a lot of competition.
There are several profitable options for overclocking your experience using FATE:
- Burst in and attack all the monsters you can reach, because contrary to competition, experience is divided among all participants in the battle based on the principle of personal contribution and if you contribute a lot of massive damage, thereby providing yourself with a large amount of experience.
- Join, or gather your group at the site of the enemy attack and knock out as many monsters as you can, getting the maximum increase in cheap boosting in Final Fantasy 14.
- If you can quickly knock out monsters alone, then don’t skip FATE either, because this is your main source of experience in the ratio of the quality and quantity of monsters that need to be destroyed for the sake of the level, then from quests and locations.
If you are a support, and you do not have the opportunity to quickly get to the battle point, or there is no way to find a full-fledged group, then simply ignore this event and mind your own business – the same quests will be a more profitable solution in terms of leveling Final Fantasy 14.