Do you want to enjoy playing Pubg in VR?
Let’s find out how you can do that.
How to Play Pubg in VR?
There are various software programs available such as TrinusVR.
- You need to install the app on your phone, then install the client on your computer.
- Then you need to launch the app and connect it to your device.
- After doing so, change your setting appropriately for graphics.
- When you launch your app, the screen will be displayed in VR on your phone (or headset).
- Just use a VR box to use it.
And there is another advantage, you can use your mouse to control where your cursor moves and then click when you want to fire.

Best Games for the Oculus Quest 2
With the Quest VR system being much more locked down and curate than the wild west of SteamVR, it can be difficult to know where to start when looking for content.
If you’ve just bought a Quest 2, here are a few new games to start playing. It’s not an exhaustive list, as our focus has been on titles that take advantage of its enhanced capabilities.
The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners
The highest-profile “launch title” for the Quest 2 is The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners. It’s a first-person horror survival game that originally came out for PC VR headsets earlier this year, then PlayStation VR a few months later.
If you’re looking to play substantial, lengthy video games comparable in scope to what would be found on non-VR platforms, and if you don’t want to see extreme graphic violence, Saints and Sinners is an excellent choice.
The gameplay isn’t designed for short spurts of fun or fast-paced actions; rather, it immerses you in long-term missions in New Orleans where most of your time is spent crafting weapons and managing resources.
Population: One
A new game has been announced for the Quest. It’s called “Population” and it’s one of Sierra’s first releases since 2009.
Battle Royale Games
It’s hard to say whether Populous: One has a chance to become as successful as the existing free-to-play multiplayer battle royales that are already out there, but they’re certainly worth trying. They only really succeed at large scales.
Phantom: Covert Ops
Phantom: Covert Ops is an extremely boring name, but it turns out to be one of the most hilariously contrived games in a great way.
Stealth-Focused Game
It’s a gritty stealth-based game along the thematic line of Splinter Cell.
It’s still difficult for VR headsets to accurately recreate the movements you would make when sneaking into an enemy’s base on foot. So, Phantom: Covert Ops plays out entirely from a kayak.
Seated locomotion is still a problem for VR, and cockpit or vehicle-based seated experiences tend to be a lot less uncomfortable than walking around. And which mode of transport uses your hands the best while leaving your legs perfectly still? A car!
Phantom: Covert Operations don’t just stop at giving you challenges to overcome.
You have a lot of equipment lying around, including night-vision goggles, a sniper rifle, and so on. Packing them away when not needed is important for success.
Holopoint is one of my favorite games from the early days of the original HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.
If you’re looking for an immersive, visually stunning VR game, then this isn’t the game for you. However, it still manages to be among the most physically intense VR experiences out there.
You’re in a dojo, surrounded by cubes, and you have to dodge their shots while shooting arrows at them. It’s pretty simple.
But shooting a lot of arrows in quick succession is extremely tiring, and the result is an exhilaratingly fun exercise.
Ultra-Replayable Arcade Action
The Quest 2 version works well; its simple graphics and emphasis on motion make it a good match for the standalone headset.
If you’re looking for an experience that showcases VR gaming at its most dynamic, then this game is definitely worth checking out.
Apex Construct
If you’re interested in playing an archer in VR, then this game might be for you.
It’s an old-school sci-fi adventure game with a lot of charm, but it looks good on the Quest too, despite having a lot more detail than the PC release.
On Quest 2, you’ll be able to play at higher resolution, experience more advanced physics, and see some cool visual effects.
In Death: Unchained
Unchained is a dungeon crawler with a neat traversal mechanism that lets you walk around the levels by firing arrows at them.
It was already one of the best-looking Quest games when it came out in July, and the developers have promised an update to improve the draw distance, among other visual upgrades.
Real VR Fishing
Real VR Fishing is a relaxing fishing game that was already one of its kind on the first generation of Oculus Go. It looks even better on the second generation of Oculus Go.
It was developed by a team from South Korea, which allows you to cast your fishing rod across multiple real-life, near-photorealistical Korean locations, and you’re able to hear your own music or view YouTube videos while doing so.
The new Quest 2 update has some pretty cool features, including better graphics and a sharper resolution. If you’re into fishing, then Real VR Fishing might be worth checking out.
There are lots of other games out there besides these ten, but hopefully, this list gives you a good starting place.
There are probably lots of people who would like to get their hands on Quest 2, but haven’t had the chance yet. If you’re considering buying one, now may be a good time.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know.