Thinking of teaming up across different platforms in Sons of The Forest?

Need clarity on “Is Sons of The Forest Crossplay?”

Here’s a detailed dive into Sons of The Forest’s cross platform functionalities.

Sons of The Forest: Cross Platform Support

Sons of The Forest offers a scope of cross platform support, although it is limited. As of the latest updates, players on PC and Xbox can partake in crossplay, bridging the gaming experience between these two platforms.

This is a step towards fostering a more robust gaming community where the interaction isn’t confined to single-platform play. It also amplifies the fun by creating a more vibrant and versatile gaming community.

When Did Sons of The Forest Introduce Crossplay?

The introduction of crossplay in Sons of The Forest aimed at improving the gaming community’s inclusiveness. The exact date of this feature’s implementation hasn’t been openly documented, but its impact has been palpable.

By allowing players on PC and Xbox to interact and game together, the developers have significantly enhanced the community aspect of the game, creating a more enjoyable and enriched gaming environment.

However, the unavailability of crossplay between other platforms like PlayStation indicates there’s still room for broader inclusivity.

Sons of The Forest: Xbox One and PS4/PS5 Crossplay Dynamics

The gaming landscape between Xbox One and PlayStation consoles in Sons of The Forest remains separate due to the absence of crossplay. Players from these console families cannot interact or play together.

This is a setback for players who wish to engage with friends on different console platforms, as it restricts the social aspect of gaming to within the same console family.

PS4 vs PS5 Crossplay in Sons of The Forest: What to Expect?

Although crossplay is not supported between PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles, each console provides an immersive gaming experience in its capacity.

The inability to crossplay between these platforms doesn’t deter the gameplay quality, but it does narrow down the interaction scope with other players.

This is something that players should consider when deciding on which platform to invest in for Sons of The Forest, especially if they have a community of friends spread across different platforms.

PC to PS4/PS5 in Sons of The Forest: Crossplay Insights

Regrettably, Sons of The Forest doesn’t support crossplay between PC and PlayStation consoles. This is because every platform has its unique set of gaming experiences.

It remains a hope within the gaming community that future updates might bridge this cross-platform gap, fostering a more integrated gaming ecosystem.

PC to Xbox One in Sons of The Forest: Crossplay Analysis

The crossplay functionality between PC and Xbox One in Sons of The Forest is a commendable feature. It breaks the platform barrier, enabling a seamless gaming interaction between these platforms.

This feature is crucial as it broadens the game’s community reach, creating an inclusive gaming environment. Furthermore, the crossplay between PC and Xbox One is smooth, with no significant hurdles.

Sons of The Forest: Cross-Generational Play and Cross-Progression

While Sons of The Forest does offer cross-generational play within the Xbox family, the lack of cross-progression is a notable downside. Players cannot transfer their progress between different platforms.

The cross-generational play is a nice touch, enabling players across different generations of Xbox consoles to interact and play together. However, the inability to carry over progress may affect long-term engagement and player retention.


  • Sons of The Forest supports crossplay between PC and Xbox, enhancing the communal gaming experience.
  • There’s no crossplay support between Xbox and PlayStation or between PC and PlayStation, limiting inter-platform interaction.
  • Cross-generational play is a notable feature within the Xbox family, although the absence of cross-progression can be a drawback.


Is crossplay available between PC and PlayStation for Sons of The Forest?

No, Sons of The Forest does not support crossplay between PC and PlayStation consoles.

Can I transfer my game progress from Xbox to PC or vice versa?

No, there is no cross-progression feature available in Sons of The Forest, hence you cannot transfer your game progress from Xbox to PC or vice versa.

Is there cross-generational play in Sons of The Forest?

Yes, Sons of The Forest supports cross-generational play within the Xbox family, allowing players on different generations of Xbox consoles to game together.

Is there a possibility of crossplay support being introduced between PlayStation and other platforms in the future?

While there’s no official statement regarding the introduction of crossplay between PlayStation and other platforms, the gaming community remains hopeful that such updates might occur in future releases or updates of Sons of The Forest.

Does Sons of The Forest support cross-progression between PC and Xbox?

No, Sons of The Forest doesn’t support cross-progression between any platforms, which means players cannot transfer their game progress across different platforms.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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