Immersive experiences are perceptions of being somewhere else when you’re really there. They are basically the suspension of time, even if just for seconds.

You may be wondering what the Samsung immersive VR experience box is. Let’s find out.

What Is the Samsung Immersive VR Experience Box?

The Samsung Immersive Gear VR headset was a promotional item for customers who preordered the new Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone. It included:

  • Gear VR
  • Controller
  • Code for Oculus Bonus Content
  • Samsung Evo Plus 256GB Micro SD Card
  • AKG Model Y50BT Headphones

Popular Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology

There are several different technologies and hardware that allow for an immersive experience, but some are better at doing so than the rest. Here are the most common ones.

Microsoft HoloLens

Microsoft HoloLens was first announced for gaming purposes but has since been used for various commercial applications. Interior design firms can now visualize how a room would appear once furnished. Architects can now envision a city skyline with their next project in progress.

The HoloLens has lots of potential, but its high price tag and limited applications limit its appeal to consumers.

HTC Vive Pro

The HTC Vive Pro headset is one of the most immersion-inducing VR systems available today. It uses two front-facing cameras for full-body motion capture so you can walk around the entire space without using a controller.

The original HTC Vive was not as immersive as the HTC Vive Pro because its screen was low-res compared to today’s standards. However, the HTC Vive Pro has a high-res display that makes it easier to immerse yourself in the virtual world.

Oculus Rift

The Oculus Rift was originally designed for use sitting in a chair with either a gamepad or a mouse/keyboard. However, newer models now include one-to-one-motion sensing technology.

Other Options for Immersive Experiences Other Than VR Headsets

The one drawback to virtual-realty equipment is how expensive it can be. However, options such as the Samsung Gear VR make virtual worlds accessible to everyone with a powerful enough phone.

Google has also taken measures in that direction with the magic leap. And if neither of these options is feasible, there exist low-cost virtual-realty headsets available for as little as $20.

Entertainment is poised to take off as users demand more immersive experiences. Games, films, and even music have been designed and structured in ways that could benefit from virtual realities.

Imagine turning your face in a movie, only to watch a dragon swoop down on you. It definitely blows old-fashioned 3D entertainment out of the sky.

Best Samsung Gear VR Games, Applications, and Experiences

You don’t need a high-end HTC Vive or Oculus Rift headset to create immersive VR content for your friends and family. Samsung’s Gear VR does the job just fine.

Yes, there are some differences between the two headsets, but the Gear VR is significantly cheaper than the Oculus Quest.

It has more than 1,100 apps and game titles available in the Oculus store. You can even use the included Oculus Touch controllers to get an extra level of immersion.

There are lots of things to explore when it comes to gaming, 360 videos, and so forth. We’ve picked out our favorites.

Virtual Virtual Reality

One of the best Daydream apps is also one of its chief rivals, and the brilliant Virtual Virtual reality is now available for GearVR (as well as Oculus Go). It’s a delight­fully strange app built in the comedic mold Portal, but with a very different experience than the original.

Artificial Intelligence has taken over our world, and they’re now looking for people to complete odd jobs using virtual reality headsets. That’s the “virtual reality” of it. It’s as weird as it seems, and it’s one of the true VR highlights on Android right now.

Zombie Gunship Raptor

Not thrilled with the thought of having to get up close and personal with zombies? Why not shoot them from a distance? That’s the premise behind Zombie Gunship Raptor: turn the popular mobile shooter into an immersive VR blaster for HTC Vive.

You’ll use machine gun fire and rocket launchers to shoot down hordes of zombies from your flying platform. It’s not the most immersive experience available for the Gear VR, but there’s something compelling about blasting away at enemies from above.


Minecraft in VR? It seems like everyone wants to get their hands on these things. The Gear VR version is essentially the same as the other editions but offers some new features, including multiplayer action and creative mode.

First-perspective games can be really trippy, but they can also be overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re doing. So, when playing them, remember to use tap the touchpad to toggle between first-perspective mode and third-perspective mode.

If you’re into Minecraft, you’ll definitely want to have it all available to you in VR. And even if you haven’t tried it before, now’s the time.

Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay

The Last Jedi has brought some Star Wars fever back into its many, many fervid fans, and fortunately, Droid Repair Bay lets us immerse ourselves in a small little section of the film’s universe!

It’s a pretty simple mobile app, but an attractive one nonetheless: you’ll play the role of a droid mechanic who repairs droids as they arrive with various issues. You’ll pull open droids, fiddle inside their innards, and then send them back into service.

Droid Repairs Bay isn’t the most important part of Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s media blitz, but it’s free and definitely worth checking out if you’ve got a Gear VR.

Augmented Empire

Like Hitman Go, Augmented Empire doesn’t actually need to be played in virtual space. After all, you’re going to spend most of the game staring at a grid board, controlling characters around, and waging turns-based fights.

Even though this is a really cool game, you can only play it on Gear VR, and you might get bored after playing it for 10 hours. It has great graphics, voice acting by the cast of Star Trek: Discovery, and about 10 hours’ worth of content to enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is mixed reality?

Augmented and virtual realities combine to create mixed realities. A user wears a headset to see computer-created images overlaid onto their surroundings. They can interact with these virtual objects and view them in different ways.

When was virtual reality invented?

VR technology has been around since at least 1957 when Morton Heilig invented Sensorama.

How do I use the Samsung VR box?

To start using Gear VR, first, download the Gear VR application from Google Play or iTunes onto your mobile device. Next, connect the Gear VR headset to your mobile device via a USB cable. Finally, put your phone into the slot at the back of the Gear VR and turn on the Gear VR by pressing the power button on the side of the headset. You’re ready to go!


We hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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